AB23 Run

AB23 Run
AB23 Run | Adopting Bitcoin 23 | November 7, 2023 | San Salvador

Join us for a 5km social run before the Adopting Bitcoin conference kicks off, in the bitcoin capital of the world, San Salvador.

WHAT: 5km easy social run for all abilities.

WHEN: Tuesday November 7th, 8:00am

WHERE: Crown Plaza Lobby, San Salvador

Precise location: https://w3w.co/stables.bongo.stags

WHY: Because POW matters and - like bitcoin - it will give you superpowers!

WHAT TO BRING: Road running shoes and clothes you feel comfortable working out in.

CHAT: Reach out to our Telegram group for associated chat and meet-ups.


Esther, Jake & Richard for leading the run.

Photo background by Oswaldo Martinez on Unsplash